Service and Offerings

Sun Spiral Service and Offerings

We are all human and each of us brings a unique perspective, view, and belief that is invaluable to our astrological consultation process. Your perspective is not just respected, but it is the very essence of our work together. My commitment to you is to create a respectful, safe space that is inclusive and sensitive to physical diversity, neurodiversity, LGBTQIA+, beliefs, faith, ability, culture, and language.

I invite you to feel not just empowered but encouraged to respectfully communicate or give feedback to me during a consultation. Your voice is crucial in our journey together. If you need things expressed differently to help you understand or if I convey something that may feel uncomfortable, please let me know. Your feedback is highly valued and appreciated.

Before the consultation, I offer a free 10-minute online Zoom meeting. This is an opportunity for us to meet one another and for you to ask any questions you may have prior to the appointment. Please remember, this is completely optional and can be booked separately from the consultation. I want you to feel comfortable and in control of your astrological consultation experience. Natal chart image (Background Blue Moon and zodiac wheel is golden sun)

Natal Chart

A natal chart is an inner blueprint describing one’s nature, characteristics, inner resources, gifts, and behavioural and emotional patterns that challenge inner growth and ways to develop and shine into your highest potential and authentic essence. 

Through participation, we can explore symbols, images and connect the influences and patterns of your ancestors, family, culture, and environment. These influences may have played a significant role in shaping your unique identity and aspects of your life.

$180 AUD

90 mins inclusive of chart preparation

Solar Return

Solar Return

Every year, the Sun returns to its natal placement. Many Happy Solar Returns, also known as a birthday, is when the natal horoscope placement.  A Solar Return chart highlights themes related to aspects and/or areas of life that are in focus for growth and self-development. 

This is an opportunity to return and reflect on the past year, both on what went well and on what may have been left behind, ended, or flourished and plant new seeds of hopes, dreams and wishes. 

$110 AUD

60 mins

Transits and Progressions

Transits and Progressions

Explore the planetary transits and progressions for the year ahead to bring awareness and connection into your life. This can assist you with navigating upcoming signposts and working with planetary energies to participate in potential challenges, transitions, crossroads, and endings or beginnings of a cycle or stage in your life.

Sun and Moon Progressions can assist with where to focus your energies for growth and development, and they can also help you draw on meaning, purpose, and fulfillment to revisit and connect with your hopes, dreams, and wishes.

$110 AUD 

60 mins Service and Offerings Dream Chart

Dream Chart

Explore a dream chart’s astrological symbols, feelings, and images to connect, participate and reflect with your inner world and soul.

Through active imagination, connect with feelings, messages, and insights that the dream astrological symbolism offers you in this moment.

$110 AUD 

60 mins




A horary chart is an astrological tool based on your open question. It is encouraged to avoid words such as Should I. This chart is an objective approach and a set of astrological principles that can provide you with an astrological judgement when guided by your question. 

Please note:

For the integrity of the consultation, any questions related to medical health, pregnancy, and death would be referred to another astrologer. Remember, the questions must be asked by you, for you. I do not conduct a horary reading that is snooping or prying into another person’s life. This is about your journey and your understanding of it.

$110 AUD

60 mins 

Inner exploration

Inner Exploration

Embark on an inner exploration of your natal chart, where we delve deeper into astrological symbols, archetypes, aspect patterns and active imagination that can assist and support you in connecting, growing, and developing aspects of yourself. Discover meaningful ways to participate and bring this into your daily life.

$110 AUD 

60 mins - Eternal Return image for the Service and offerings page