My Journey

Standing upon this sacred planet Earth, I look upwards and outwards and reflect upon the circles of timelessness and eternal returns. In ancient times, people gazed at the night sky, seeing the constellation of stars, the shimmering moon containing the light of the sun, and the planets Mercury and Venus, and perhaps they, too, felt the wonder, awe, and mystery of the universe.

Standing on the shoulders of my ancestors, I feel fortunate that I’ve been given time and space to be curious, wonder, imagine, grow, heal, create, and contribute to the world in whatever shape or form this would take in my life through trusting inner guidance and wisdom.

This childhood curiosity led me to wonder about life, who I am, why I am here, and what life and death are all about. These big philosophical questions carried me forward into searching for the answers. For many moons, I searched high and low, particularly seeking the answers outside of myself until my early twenties, when significant personal events led me to take an inward journey of healing and discovering my rich inner life. Clare Photo

During this profound emotional and psychological growth, I read books by Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Peter O’Connor, Robert Johnson, Thomas Moore, Isobel Hickey, and the Mountain Astrologer magazines. Their writings of the inner self, soul, dreams, active imagination, mythology, psychology, stories, and astrology resonated, and an astrological seed of imagining was sown. 

Slowly, this seed began to grow, and at age 27, I commenced learning astrology at the Melbourne School of Astrology with Sean McNamara. While I didn’t finish these studies, I learnt the foundation of the language of astrology. I practised reading astrology charts for family and friends. It became clear that it didn’t sit right with me to predict a person’s future. I felt a more profound calling to learn to participate with planetary archetypes, energies, symbolism, and the sacred art of astrology. The horoscope chart offered a roadmap, a blueprint for this journey inward. It gave me a language to understand behaviour patterns, inner struggles, emotional reactions and or responses, phases, cycles, and rhythms to discover and apply ways to support, nurture and enhance well-being, growth and development during a particular transit and progression or return.

While I felt called by Astrology as a profession, it wasn’t time. I acknowledged the inward guidance to learn, grow, and work through relating, collaborating, communicating, facilitating, interacting, and observing group dynamics in the corporate environment as a project manager, operational improvement manager, and senior consultant, which I have done throughout the past twenty years. 

In parallel to working, I honoured the inner call to return and complete formal astrological studies. I completed the applied astrology diploma with Astro*Synthesis. I was fortunate to learn from Glenys Lawton and Brian Clark the art of astrological language, familial and sibling development, passages of time through the lifecycle, and participation in the moment through imagination, symbolism, and soul. I also completed the Horary Practitioner course from Eve Dembowski at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA).

I am a professional astrologer and affiliated with A.P.A. Inc. – The Association of Professional Astrologers Inc. (