Astrology is a sacred art and language of symbols, imagination and archetypes that can facilitate and guide you on a journey of self-discovery, inviting you to participate with your inner world through the imaginal circle of a horoscope chart. This is not just passive observation but an active and safe way to communicate with your psyche and inner self through images, feelings and reflections. 

There are various types of astrology charts, each offering a unique perspective into your inner world. Whether it’s a natal chart, solar returns, transits and progressions, or dream charts, astrology embraces everyone, regardless of birth time. A natal chart, for instance, is based on a person’s birthday, location and time of birth. But even if you don’t know your birth time, that’s completely fine. A natal chart, with or without the birth time, contains symbols, planetary archetypes and aspects that create a blueprint, a map into the inner world, offering each person their authentic process to discover and connect with ways to develop and harness their personality, potential emotional and psychological patterns, familial and ancestral patterns, characteristics, qualities and gifts of your authentic nature and essence. Astrology, a sacred counselling art, can help you on your unique journey of self-discovery.

Image of Imagination (1)

Being human and living in this time in history has many demands, challenges, and distractions as we navigate personal growth, development and evolution throughout the lifecycle. You may find yourself at a crossroads, a transition, feeling stuck or lost in yourself, grieving the loss of a loved one or an unlived dream, wondering about your vocation, returning to places from the past or seeking meaning and fulfilment in your daily life. An astrological consultation offers you time to step out of your daily life and return to your inner centre, which provides a deepened connection within yourself.

An astrological consultation invites participation and offers insights, feelings and or reflections with what you may bring back to your daily life to enrich, cleanse, renew, ground, and align with your authentic, beautiful essence. When I hear the word beautiful, I feel the sounds of the word are saying, ‘Be you to the full.’ Imagine being and expressing your glorious, unique self. What would be different in your life to what it is today? When a person is centered, grounded, and interconnected with the flow of life, cycles and universal rhythms, their inner sunlight shines brightly from within and, in turn, lights the way for others to do the same.

When you engage in an astrological consultation with me, you can be assured that it is a safe and confidential space. Your privacy and safety are my top priorities. I offer six different chart types, each with its own unique insights. Clicking on the image below will take you to my service and offerings page, where you can explore more about each chart and choose the one that resonates with you. Natal chart image (Background Blue Moon and zodiac wheel is golden sun)
Solar Return
Transits and Progressions Service and Offerings Dream Chart
Inner exploration

Astrology Consultation Chart Types